Services Offered by Hermetas

Empowering Student Governments

Hermetas specializes in supporting student governments (ASOs) within the California Community College system. We understand the challenges of annual turnover and offer training, consultation, and IT solutions to streamline operations and ensure continuity. Our services include:

  • Expert Guidance: In-depth training and consultation on California's Open Meetings Laws, Parliamentary Procedure, and Robert's Rules of Order.
  • Tailored Technology: IT services customized to meet the unique needs of student government organizations.
  • Experienced Team: All our partners and associates have firsthand experience in student government, passionate about empowering future leaders.

Navigating Political Landscapes

We bring extensive experience working with diverse political organizations. From caucuses and elections to conventions, we ensure that proper procedures are followed, upholding the principles of equality and fair representation.

Supporting Religious Organizations

Hermetas recognizes the unique legal considerations and public expectations of religious organizations. We help you craft procedural rules that protect your interests while upholding the free-flowing nature of religious practices.

Advocacy Services

While typically neutral consultants, we offer advocacy services in specific situations. Like attorneys, we become your dedicated advocates, working tirelessly to resolve your unique challenges while respecting your autonomy and decision-making authority.

Resolving Conflicts

Robert's Rules provides a framework for conflict resolution, but sometimes additional support is needed. Hermetas offers mediation and arbitration services to help organizations navigate disagreements, restore civility, and find common ground.


We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and believe in making our services accessible. While we strive to operate solely on donations, we currently charge an hourly rate for presentations and consultations, with additional fees for travel and expenses. Contact us for a personalized quote by filling out a support ticket at