Mastering the Art of Empowering Meetings

Hermetas is a public service organization dedicated to encouraging civil discourse, effective decision-making, leadership, and conflict resolution. We believe that your meetings can be empowering, exciting, and efficient. By mastering the art of group decision-making, you can transform your organization. The change you need to make is simple: a slight paradigm shift.

Make Meetings Matter

[Image: Five people fist-bumping over a meeting desk]

Our approach helps you create meaningful, productive meetings that drive your organization forward.

Resolve Conflict

Conflict is a natural part of any group dynamic, but it doesn't have to be destructive. At Hermetas, we understand that our opinions can carry the weight necessary to resolve conflicts constructively. We use proven systems like Robert's Rules of Order to help you Build a Better Now by strengthening your team and addressing both internal and external conflicts.

Cure Conflict Completely

Learn how to turn disagreements into opportunities for growth and collaboration.


You're never alone with Hermetas by your side. Our experts will attend your meetings and guide your team towards achieving ethical, efficient, and enlightened decision-making processes.

Asking for Advice

[Image: A man standing in front of a silhouette of a person]

We're here to provide the guidance you need to succeed.


Sometimes, situations can become challenging to manage. You might need an outsider's perspective or simply want to see how things should be done. That's where we come in – we can run your meeting for you, demonstrating best practices in action.

Proper Presiding

Learn the art of effective leadership and meeting management from our experienced team.

Our Team

Our team of professional speakers and parliamentarians is committed to helping you and your organization achieve the greatness you deserve. We have extensive experience working with various groups, including churches, nonprofits, and businesses.

At Hermetas, we're dedicated to fostering civil discourse, developing strong leaders, and promoting effective decision-making processes. Let us help you transform your meetings and your organization.